What it takes to be a Professional Mentor . . . . .

Characteristics of Professional Mentors

1. The most Successful Mentors are Demonstrably Caring - mentoring is not just information based - Mentors spend time showing their Mentees that they care about them as people and care about their Mentees values and success

2. The most Success Mentors have the Spark - they are upbeat, positive, enjoy working with people, have alot to give, and naturally attract other people

3. The most Successful Mentors are Naturally Perceptive - they are able to feel the Mentee's mood and guess what is going on with them

4. The most Successful Mentors have a Mentor of their own - mentoring can be very demanding emotionally. Mentors need someone they can go to in order to consult with.

5. The most Successful Mentors have Integrity - they value their own self development and honor confidentiality boundaries

6. The most Successful Mentors Continuously Learn from their Mentees - they are open to different ideas and viewpoints from their Mentees and incorporate these into their Mentoring

7. The most Successful Mentors are Inspiring Models for their Mentees - Mentors must walk/the talk - they must be striving for excellence in their own lives.

Compiled by Mrs. Margaret O'


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