How Soon Are We Closing This GAP...?

..Over the past few days, I have 'travelled' so frequently to Banana Island and environs. And, it's quite revealing to know that some children are out of school simply because of the nature of their father's job... #ConstructionWorkers.

Speaking with one of them... A father explained why he cannot enrol his 2 daughters in school because of his temporal residency. He says "we came here some months ago, and we have about 2-4months to finish this building. This implies that we would be moving out of this place in 2-4months time, so enrolling Fatimah and her sister in school is not feasible. For everytime I move, everyone moves with me". #Revealing.

On my mind today is Fatimah and her sister. How soon are we closing this gap of 10.5 million out of school children in Nigeria?


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