He is Back

Oh My God! We are elated to inform you that ..............our Tosin is BACK!!! Mama brought him back, eventually! No child deserves to be out of school in the 21st Century. No child. So, today, our joy knew no bound as we welcome Tosin back to school. Recap: due to homelessness and inability of Tosin's mum to meet pressing family needs, Tosin was sent to the village in Edo state, to live with his grandmother. Tosin and his younger one. Their education was put on hold. As the future look so uncertain, and dreadful for mama, who still struggled with the homeless situation in Lagos state. When, we realised Tosin's absence in school, we went fundraising so as to rent an apartment for the family, and have Tosin back with us in school!
Today, we are excited to have Tosin with us, after his travelled to the village to get him. Mama's trip was fully sponsored. Special thanks to everyone who donated to our cause. Your support matters.

" I was surprised to see my mother on Saturday"

 "Yes, I am happy to be back"

And, when asked what is utmost need is, he said FOOD. We are hoping to meet this needs, too...

#GivingEveryChildOpportunity2Learn. #Because. #EVERYChildDeservesIt #Education.


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