Youth Mentoring Program

My first mentoring experience, as a mentee was with the @Ideabuilders initiative. A nonprofit organization led by Mrs. Lucy Kanu Hopper.  In 2008/9, I was privileged to be one of 25 young women who were selected across the nation, to participate in the Women Mentoring Women program, a program sponsored by ExxonMobil. The 25 of us had the rare privilege of meeting with, and learning directly from accomplished women leaders across different fields. 

For a week and more, we were lodged in an hotel for mind transforming leadership sessions. It was intensive! The 25 young women had so much to learn and relearn. It was crazy! It was mind-blowing. Thereafter, we were paired with mentors, for a 6-month mentoring cycle.

The IdeaBuilders were intentional about their objectives to train capable women leaders!  👌

Over the years, I have  been deliberate about passing on this baton and paying it forward through our organization -Street to School Initiative. Thus far, we have been able to implement series of mentoring cycles for high school students. We have recruited volunteer mentors who have stayed committed to impacting lives and inspiring young people. 

Today, we concluded another 6months mentoring cycle for High schoolers in rural areas. Special thanks to every child mentor. 

Today, we are thankful for Lucy Kanu and all women leaders inspiring real CHANGE. Thank you. 

According to Isaac Newton, if we have seen further than others, it is because we are standing on the shoulders of giants. 


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