Happy Mothers' Day!!!


...Today, I have read SO many beautiful updates about different mothers and I have been so tempted to say a few things too about ma mere... Do you really want to meet my mother!?? LOL.

 I wouldn't bore you with many details....But, if there is one thing she does so well and I am inspired, It is that she is SO GENEROUS. There have been times when she would phonecall and say "Tosin, there are some kids in the neighborhood, roaming the streets, how do we get them back to school? What is your org. going to do about them?! Sometimes, she would assist these kids, and other times, she would tell me, Yes, let's do something about this child education ..." And, even if I say, mum we've got no enough funds to send more kids to school... She wouldn't give in...!!!

 And, there have been times we would visit the homes of these kids/youth, driving through some rugged path , TOGETHER... just to acquit with these needy kids. Truly, she's been a great inspiration. She cares so much about other kids..


 Once again, this day...I just want to say...Thank you, Momma & Happy Mothers' Day to every mum and intending mommas. God bless you and moi. Hope you enjoyed my story?...that wasn't longg.:) ;)


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