Child Labour.

"Basic education is a crucial component of any effective effort to eliminate child labour. Studies indicate that child labour is associated with lower rates of school enrolment, higher drop-out rates, and lower academic performance"

This is so true, and #ChildLabour shouldn't be encouraged...however, how do we completely eradicate child labour especially in under developed nations where poverty looms and it is the survival of the fittest? How do we eradicate child labour in rural communities where children are let out to hawk around some products for some financial sustainability of the family. I don't support child labour..but, I am trying to see better alternative(s) that might replace child labour in these communities, or what do you think about child labour? :)

This issue is peculiar, because presently we have some 2 children on our sponsored lists who do this in order to support their families..:)

What is child labour to you..? :)

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