Working with Out of School Children.

Working with out-of-school children has always been a year-round event. We have an open door policy, where every child is welcomed, and, it doesn't matter what  academic term it is. 😊. We are always excited to have them in.

Nigeria has a staggering statistic of 11.2 million out of school children, already. The highest in the world. It is is scary. However, there is hope.

So each passing day, we launch out, hoping to get one more child out of the population, and onto a journey of renewed mindset and self discovery. Every child can learn, if given a chance, we believe.

Today, we met some amazing out of school kids. They are eager to give school a try after more than a year out of school... and so are we eager to have them in.
Again, we are thankful for all our terrific friends and sponsors. Together, we keep doing more!

We can't de-emphasize the role of education in national development. 😇 
#LetTheChildrenLearn #OutOfSchoolChildren #EducateAChild #EveryChildCounts


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